Understand the potential market
Entrepreuners Consultancy Entrepreuners Consultancy
Emprendedores CIUQ
This package offers you the chance to know the businesses, facilities and services in your neighbourhood, as well as the businesses that may be your competition. With this package, you will also be able to know the number of people and vehicles that pass in front of your business.

We offer you to analyze two sectors of your choice, with the following information:

- Average flow of people who pass through the street of your business.
   (It can be monthly or annual, or a period of your choice).
- Average flow of vehicles passing through the street of your business.
   (It can be monthly or annual, or a period of your choice).
- Identification of businesses that are your direct competition.
- Identification of nearby facilities and services.
- Mobility analysis: Bus stops, transport lines.

We give you a technical report, results of the analysis and maps that allow you to better understand the status sites of your interest.
Address: Núñez de Vela N35-204 e Ignacio San María
Whatsapp: 099 033 8814  e-mail: info@ciuq.ec
Quito - Ecuador

-Centro de información Urbana -

Address: Núñez de Vela N35-204 e Ignacio San María
WhatsApp: (+593) 99 033 8814
e-mail: info@ciuq.ec
Quito - Ecuador

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